Five Years of Weaving Approaches to Health Equity Globally

Five years ago, it was clear to me that the trajectory for global health had to shift rapidly or we would not make the gains in health equity our world so desperately needs. Even before the onslaught of Covid, the gaping inequities in global health systems were too vast to keep addressing in the same old ways.

I intentionally built Kati Collective to provide global health policy makers, funders, and implementers with a resource that could adapt to constantly changing needs while also understanding the larger systemic and human implications.

Our Collective, comprised of people with expertise and lived experience in the countries where we work, is committed to gender equity, decolonization, and affecting true equitable change in the world.

It often feels like we are unraveling of a giant ball of yarn. Each time we pull on one thread, we see that it’s made up of many, many smaller threads.

In Kati’s first five years, we’ve identified four threads that have left us with important learnings:

  1. Dot Connectors

  2. Integration

  3. Co-creation

  4. Localization

As we keep unraveling, keep questioning, and keep learning, we are deeply appreciative to everyone who has partnered with us over the past five years.

Thank you for your partnership! We hope you enjoy our anniversary video.



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